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Enjoy therapy + beauty fire dragon ulcer, scab and anthracnose fruit mix effect
Test mode: 1, enjoy 50 times + 200 times apply the draft 2, enjoy 1500 times + 2000 times the first spray
Test time: 2016.3.7 16:00 cloudy
Location: town, Wuming County three winter village
Test by: Fang Lei, and Jing Yichao, and Li Hongbin
Observation time: 2016.3.15 15:00
Test results:
1, test 1 use live 50 times + 200 times the draft applied to fire dragon fruit canker disease, scab and anthracnose has excellent therapeutic effects, and by observing the fire dragon fruit soft rot control is also very good, rub the wound healing is perfect for the illness under control, no new lesions occur, control white space cut sick spot still occur.
2, test scenario 2 used to enjoy 1500 times + draft 2000 times spraying fire dragon fruit canker, scab and anthracnose can effectively control the disease, but due to diseases and severe local still has a little ulcer, scab and new lesions, recommended later reduced when using multiple to 1000 times times + 1500 times, Add silicone additives such as mixed use (Dragon fruit surface wax layer is thick, not drugs).

Contact us


Shanxi Xiannong biological science and Technology Co., Ltd. limited Address: Hai Jing, Feng Cheng road, economic and technological development zone international Phone: 029-65693055, 65693056, 65693059 Fax: 029-65693055 Contact person: customs Manager, Angela
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