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Condensation of pessimism

For 2016, at different levels to show different degrees of pessimism and complaints, which in addition to market themselves beyond the warm and festive Chinese celebration, more likely to be confused, missing and tamper with the concept of negative rhetoric. Really good and powerful enterprises and dealers (strategic clarity, purpose, measures, methods Express) the market seems to be without emotion, remained calm and unhurried, but with feelings of AWE, which insists on the industry and chose more focus, more professional, more solid, Origin return operation of the work, based on customer value, service users, professional services crop, optimistic spirit, tough action! 2016 opportunity should belong to this sense of optimism in the market, solid action strength, let us unite in pessimistic ^ ^ optimistic force, don't forget the beginner's mind, caress, and achievements under the trend of growth spans.

Shaanxi agricultural marketing Center Fan Yaping 2016.3.16 day night was written in xixia

Contact us


Shanxi Xiannong biological science and Technology Co., Ltd. limited Address: Hai Jing, Feng Cheng road, economic and technological development zone international Phone: 029-65693055, 65693056, 65693059 Fax: 029-65693055 Contact person: customs Manager, Angela
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