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New technology and new process

Bottles of chemical materials-the second generation technology 2017-10-12 22:16:14

With further applications of the company's patented technology, the technology on both the staple and FDY with success, greatly expanded the use of bottle flakes. Meanwhile melt after adding technology successfully applied for the production of bottle flakes as well as direct spinning facilitates many varieties of silk. Second-generation technologies have been successfully developed, is cooperating with an enterprise, this technology to further improve product quality, conducive to enterprise development and higher quality varieties, while fewer runs than generation technology costs. At present, the technology also has applied for a patent.

Contact us


Shanxi Xiannong biological science and Technology Co., Ltd. limited Address: Hai Jing, Feng Cheng road, economic and technological development zone international Phone: 029-65693055, 65693056, 65693059 Fax: 029-65693055 Contact person: customs Manager, Angela
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