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New technology and new process

Pet flakes package dyed filament technology 2017-10-12 22:16:14

By records into company contractors bottle tablets material by chemical processing Hou straight spinning long silk device in Cixi run big half Hou, currently the enterprise will spinning business of POY long silk added play Hou weaving socks dyeing, color fastness, and chromatic aberration uniform degrees by test has reached slice spinning, break has bottle material spinning long silk not package dyeing of traditional, for bottle tablets material spread wide has market field, improve has added value. Thus, pet flakes filaments on the quality indicators have been very close to the original, the technology in the application of domestic pet flakes has been in a leading position. Zhicheng company will be in a recent analysis of bottle flakes to aggregate health indicators to ensure that reach the c-class of FDA certified, full B-to-B of intellectual technologies. (2008-12-20)

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Shanxi Xiannong biological science and Technology Co., Ltd. limited Address: Hai Jing, Feng Cheng road, economic and technological development zone international Phone: 029-65693055, 65693056, 65693059 Fax: 029-65693055 Contact person: customs Manager, Angela
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